
Parents Speak

Parents Testimonial

G Krishnamoorthy & Priya Krishnamoorthy

G Krishnamoorthy & Priya Krishnamoorthy

Parent of K. Abhishek Samuel(STD XI)

My Family & I feel very proud of this Prestigious Institution

My Family & I feel very proud of this Prestigious Institution, St. Jude’s Public School & Junior College. My son K. Abhishek Samuel has been studying in this School since 2014 and he is now in 11th Standard. My family had the dream of admitting our son in this famous Institution because of its Spiritual, educational, disciplinary & motivational approach. As mentioned above, our son has proved himself in every sphere and we are really very happy and proud that "God" has blessed us with very good ambience, Chairman, Principal, Head Mistress and teachers who take care of all the students as their own children. We Pray God, that this reputed institution continues to flourish in the coming years and God showers His Blessings upon Shri. Dhanraj, Saro Mam, their Family and teachers to educate the students and to shape their lives.
Pradheeba Sajeev

Pradheeba Sajeev

Parent of Siddarth(VI A)

The values that are important to us are imparted in this school and We are blessed to belong to the SJPS community

It's almost been six months since Siddarth joined St. Jude’s and we observe positive changes in him. We were afraid if he would cope with the new environment and study well since this is his first year in a boarding school. In the beginning, he told us that he would study here only for a year and the next academic year he would come back to us. But to our surprise, after about two months, he himself told us that he loves the school and wants to complete his school education at. Jude’s.

We are privileged to have our son studying in St. Jude’s Public School. It provides a warm, loving and caring environment to our son. “SJPS is an oasis of heart-felt education” Academic standard is simply superb and our son is very happy the way the teachers get them through the concepts…… it is remarkable.!

We are very impressed that the school concentrates in nurturing every student with great care and inculcates human values, positive attitude, self-confidence and compassion. The Principal, Vice Principal, Head Master, teachers, admin staff and dorm matrons are very responsible and kindhearted.

We are glad that our child has been blessed to experience an exemplary school life at. St. Jude’s.

The values that are important to us are imparted in this school and We are blessed to belong to the SJPS community.

Wishing the Management the very best.

Dr Ansu Chandy

Dr Ansu Chandy

Mother of Vishwas Chandy, Std XII A

Very happy with our choice of school

It was in 2011, my husband and I took the trip from Kanjirapally to Kotagiri with our youngest child, Vishwas (Chandy), our hearts full of uncertainty and questions: Will he be happy here? Is this decision the right one? Are we doing the right thing? Today, my husband and I are very happy with our choice of school. Here are just a few of the reasons why. My son is now in the 12th Std. He had just returned from a trip to Ranchi for the ICSE Hockey Championships, earlier this month, when he was asked whether he would sit for his exams, and he said he would! It amazes me how he is able to jump from sports to studies in a day, expertly manage time and do well in both. It is thanks to his teachers and Principal, who encourage all round development of the child. The child grows up confident and with a wide set of skills and a broad personality. What impresses me the most about the school is the sound moral values that the Principal has inculcated into my son. She has helped mould the 10-year-old I brought to her, into an obedient, mature and responsible young man. He has a strong faith in God and loves his fellow men. Our thanks to the Dhanarajan Family and the excellent team at St Jude’s. God’s Blessings on all of you.

Dr A and Dr (Mrs) SR Gupta

Dr A and Dr (Mrs) SR Gupta

Parents of Anitya and Khajit

School is no doubt a 'home away from home'

As a doctor couple with frequent overseas travel commitments, we were looking for good boarding school for our boys primarily as we believed education system in India was amongst the best in the world and also to give them the flavour of Indian culture in their formative years. We were indeed lucky that one of our good friends Dr Jags from Kotagiri spoke highly of St Judes, Mrs Saro Dhanarajan and her team and recommended the school. We were very impressed by Mrs Saro and the team who quickly recognised our children's genius and potential and promoted them to classes ahead, despite their young age, and are now part of St Jude's family. Additionally, we were amazed that at our request for considering cricket at school was taken so seriously by the Principal mam, the school has now started a successful cricket program with nets on the school campus and our younger son dear Anitya has developed a great passion for cricket! The school has decent chess program and with the help of the coaching provided by chess coach sir, our son dear Khajit appears ready to take his passion for chess to the next level and aim to continue and represent his school, state and even his country one day! School has fully supported talent and attributes and provided the necessary coaching, sometimes going out of the way by organising special classes which is really appreciated. Now, both our children are part of St. Jude's and are doing very well. They are growing up to be lovely youngsters with sound academics, good moral values, leadership skills and passion for sports. Most importantly, they are maturing in a safe environment where balance of education, nutrition, sports and fun is excellent. School is no doubt a 'home away from home' for our boys and we wish the school the very best in all its endeavours and recommend prospective parents considering the school for their children.
Sugumar. P

Sugumar. P

Retd. Superintendent of Police(Grand Father of Siddharthan, class -11)

St. Jude’s is truly a home away from home for the children

My grandson Siddharthan is a very proud Judian and we feel quite privileged to have him at St. Jude’s. After joining Jude’s, he has become a more independent, responsible and well-grounded boy. 

St. Jude’s is truly a home away from home for the children. The management & staff take care of even the most trivial issues of the child. The children are given the freedom to approach the staff members with all their concerns. All their needs are attended to. Each child is given personal attention and handled, taking into consideration his/her individual differences.

The standard of teaching is second to none. The food and hostel amenities are certainly above standard. The excellent facilities provided for academics and all extracurricular activities need a special mention. The recently constructed world class volley ball court is a source of immense pride and happiness for my grandson.

Being a grandparent, it gives me a lot of joy to see that my grandson is so happy at school. My daughter and son-in-law say that they feel at peace because Siddharthan is comfortable at St. Jude’s. Though they are abroad they are very happy that their son is so well cared for.

I have spent my childhood and a large part of my career in The Nilgiris and am familiar with the educational culture prevalent here. I am very happy that we chose St. Jude’s. Mrs. Saro Dhanarajan’s personal attention to the students is the most comforting thing for the families of the students.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Principal, Head Mistress and each and every staff member for the excellent work being done. As a family, we wish to thank all of you and wish you all the very best for the future.

Mansur Ahamed

Mansur Ahamed

Father of Abhishek Ahamed of class X

St. Jude’s is truly a home away from home for the children

It was with great confusion and much pressure that we took the decision of sending our son Abhishek Ahamed.M.G to your school as a hostellite. We were apprehensive as our son had his own negatives of not being a very confident child, finding it difficult to communicate in English & doing the daily chores himself. The first year was very hard for us as well as for Abhishek, as we were not able to cope with the changes. At a critical moment, when we had almost decided to take him off the school, we asked Rajee madam, the Vice Principal to have a word with Abhishek which actually turned the whole situation once and for all for the better.

An always crying and sad Abhishek changed dramatically into a very jubilant and confident child after that day, thanks to the heart to heart conversation Rajee madam had with him. He went on to become the School Captain and we were able to see all his negatives change into positive. He is now a very confident, very fluent and bright young man. Thanks to the efforts of all the teachers, the warmth of Rajee madam, encouragement of Shobana madam, the Head Mistress & the unflinching motivation of Saro madam, the Principal. I would say this one decision of ours which we would never regret as what it has given us back is an opening for a bright future for our son. May your good work continue.

K Chandra Shekhar

K Chandra Shekhar

Father of Saketh Rajaram, Class 9(Alumni St.Jude’s (1984))

A temple of learning and a training ground for future citizens

St. Jude’s! A home away from home, a temple of learning and a training ground for future citizens. Be it the meandering route around lofty hills in Kotagiri or the greenery all round, nothing has changed since my school days at St. Jude’s in 1984. The picturesque scenery gladdens my heart and mind at the very thought of St. Jude’s.

The school and the school motto are more than enough to describe self-reliance, in the best possible way. It conveys that when you are self-reliant, you do not need your parents to do everything for you because you know how to take care of yourself. When you are self-reliant, you can depend on your own skills to support yourself and to help others in your family and community. And this very reason is why I enrolled my son Saketh Rajaram into the same school that I studied.

The quality of education, food, sports, environment of school or the principles that St. Jude’s gives the students, is definitely State of the art! Therefore, in my opinion the best gift that a parent can give his child is St. Jude’s Public School.

Mr. Murali

Mr. Murali

father of Vikranth, class VIII & Krithaniya of class VI)

It's a good and perfect school for my children

Our children, vikranth and krithaniya’s academic as well as social progress have increased by leaps and bounds. They are appreciated by teachers, peers and relatives. Our family's experience with the school has been very good. I see my kids happy and eager to get back to school after each break. They are greatly motivated by their teachers and there is a level of positivity and optimism in them. I like the fact that the teachers and staff are very caring. I am very grateful to the school because it doesn't focus on only academics but also on sports. From the time my kids have joined the school, they have become more disciplined and interact well with everyone.

We see the transformation in our children. We wanted them to enjoy their school life and make a lot of quality friends which they have done. It's a good and perfect school for my children.



Parent of Krishnapiraveen, class XII & Krishnapiritha of class VIII

We have noticed a lot of improvement in their academics and the extra-curricular activities

We are really happy for having admitted our children K.Krishnapiraveen of class XII-B and K.Krishnapiritha of class VIII-A in St. Jude’s because they have learnt to be responsible. We have noticed a lot of changes in them and we mean it in a very good way. We have noticed a lot of improvement in their academics and the extra-curricular activities. We would like to thank the Management for helping our children and bringing out the best in them. I hope that you'll continue the same in the following years, ie,preparing them to face the world with great success in the future.

 Once again thanks a lot.

Ms Hansa

Ms Hansa

Knowledgeable(Bangkok, Thailand)

My words of appreciation

In January 1999 when I made my first trip to India to look for a school for my son, I was introduced to Kotagiri and Ooty regions. After visiting over 10 schools, I decided upon St. Jude's public and Junior College. I admitted my son into the school and thus became the parent of this venerated institution.

It was a tough year for all of us who had admitted our children as the first Thai batch to school which had no experience in handling students from Thailand. Children were away from home in the boarding school, which was totally different in environment, culture, (city life to hill country side), discipline (very free to strict), language (with very little or no knowledge in English) and food (big concern for us). Parents back at home were concerned as to how our children would survive in the new environment. We started to share our worries and concern after we spoke to our children during the weekends. I decided to travel to school as often as I could during those 2 years of my son's education, to acquaint myself with the syllabus and the issues rising out of the conflicts in culture.

I was impressed by the school schedule and all the steps taken by the Management to help the new Thai students cope up with the rest of the students. Every minute detail was looked into to ensure that our students manage their new surrounding well. The strong ‘not giving up' attitude of Saro Mam, the Principal had helped all the students to settle down quite comfortably. I always returned home and shared my impression among parents and confirmed to them that we had made the right decision. I trusted that I had placed my own son in good hands.

As a former parent who has a sound experience and relationship with the Management, from 2001 till now, I act as representative of St. Jude's, recruiting students and consulting the parents about the quality of the School. Over these years we have about 110 students who have passed out and they still talk about the school with fond memories and wish to visit the school again. I am impressed with Saro Mam personally. We together, go through and solve many issues and unpleasant situations of our students. With her motherly mentality, she understands and accepts the difference in each of our students in the right positive way, which is very important for parents of students in a boarding school. I have seen many schools and have been working with more than 30 schools all over India, St. Jude's School will be the first school I recommend to any parents.